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Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC-Merger of grades- Revised classification and mode of filling up of posts of catering.

RBE No.44/2011

No. E(NG)I-2008/PM 1/15.        
NewDelhi, Dated: 06.04.2011

General Managers (P),
All Indian Railways and PUs.
(As per standard list)

Sub:- Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC-Merger of grades-Revised classification and mode of filling up of posts of catering.

   Reference this Ministry’s letter no. E(NG)-I/2003/TR/1O. dated 28/12/10 vide which instructions were issued for calling option from erstwhile catering staff and for restoration of catering posts transferred to IRCTC. It has been stated at para 4 and 5 of the above letter that the seniority of the staff who opts for catering department may be assigned to the position existed before they were transferred to IRCTC as on 31.3.03. It was further stated, in order to bring the staff of catering department at par with others, and the posts as on 31.3.03 will be restructured and the upgraded posts may be tilled up from the staff through promotion as per procedure to be issued separately.

   2. Accordingly, it has now been decided by the Board that the instructions issued after 6th CPC on revised classification and mode of filling up of catering posts vide Board’s letter of even no., dated 22.7.10 will also hold good for the staff of restored catering cadre on Railways. The bench marking for filling up of posts which are proposed to be filled up by ‘seniority cum suitability’ in GP ` 4200 shall be 6 marks out of 15 and 8 marks out of 15 marks for posts in GP ` 4600 and above for the vacancies arising upto 31.12.2011. In respect of posts where merger of posts is not involved may be filled up according to the extant instructions as followed before the staff were sent to IRCTC.

   3. The restoration of cadre as stated in Board’s letter dated 28.12.10 and affecting the promotions to the catering staff as per procedure mentioned at para 2 above may be completed early and compliance reported to the Board by 30.4.2011.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Hindi version will follow.

(Kajal Mukherjee)
Dy. Director E(NG)I
Railway Board



No. E(NG)I-2008/PM 1/15.      

NewDelhi, Dated: 06.04.2011

General Managers (P),
All Indian Railways and PUs.
(As per standard list)

Sub:- Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC-Merger of grades-Revised classification and mode of filling up of posts of catering.

   Reference this Ministry’s letter no. E(NG)-I/2003/TR/1O. dated 28/12/10 vide which instructions were issued for calling option from erstwhile catering staff and for restoration of catering posts transferred to IRCTC. It has been stated at para 4 and 5 of the above letter that the seniority of the staff who opts for catering department may be assigned to the position existed before they were transferred to IRCTC as on 31.3.03. It was further stated, in order to bring the staff of catering department at par with others, and the posts as on 31.3.03 will be restructured and the upgraded posts may be tilled up from the staff through promotion as per procedure to be issued separately.

   2. Accordingly, it has now been decided by the Board that the instructions issued after 6th CPC on revised classification and mode of filling up of catering posts vide Board’s letter of even no., dated 22.7.10 will also hold good for the staff of restored catering cadre on Railways. The bench marking for filling up of posts which are proposed to be filled up by ‘seniority cum suitability’ in GP ` 4200 shall be 6 marks out of 15 and 8 marks out of 15 marks for posts in GP ` 4600 and above for the vacancies arising upto 31.12.2011. In respect of posts where merger of posts is not involved may be filled up according to the extant instructions as followed before the staff were sent to IRCTC.

   3. The restoration of cadre as stated in Board’s letter dated 28.12.10 and affecting the promotions to the catering staff as per procedure mentioned at para 2 above may be completed early and compliance reported to the Board by 30.4.2011.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Hindi version will follow.

(Kajal Mukherjee)
Dy. Director E(NG)I
Railway Board


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